Contact Us

Bill Bishop, President

Trisha Dunbar, Secretary

Click here to download a Member Application



Simms Creek Wildlife Management Association

Contact Us

Bill Bishop, President

Trisha Dunbar, Secretary

Click here to download a Member Application


Harvest Recommendations

Below you will find the 2023-24 harvest recommendations from our TP&WD biologist. You are encouraged to read the entire report, but, in summary, your harvest should emphasize:

• 1 buck per 111 acres including mature bucks over 4.5 years old, bucks of 3.5 years with fewer than 8 antler points, and bucks with at least one unbranched antler.

• 1 doe per 40 acres.

• Generally, 2-3 does should be harvested for every antlered buck harvested.

• You may want to use the TPWD Deer Harvest Field Log to track your property harvest, which will make it easier for you to complete your 2023-24 Harvest Summary Report.

Please complete the 2023-24 Harvest Summary Report and submit it at the SCWMA spring meeting on April 6, 2024. If you are unable to attend that meeting, please mail to Tessa Boucher at P.O. Box 4, Goldthwaite, TX 76844 or email to by April 1, 2024.

As always, please let us know if you have questions or need additional information by emailing Tessa at or your SCWMA team at

Bill Bishop, President and Trisha Dunbar, Secretary

Simms Creek Wildlife Management Association

2023-24 Harvest Recommendations

Deer Population Summary

TPWD Deer Harvest Field Log

2023-24 Harvest Summary Report Form for Simms Creek WMA Properties


Simms Creek Wildlife Management Association